4.Besides having a brush regularly, a black
russian terrier needs some additional extraction
of excessive undercoat.

5. If it is rather easy to extract if you
are supposed to use a comb with short prongs.

6. The coat of a BRT with plenty of undercoat
should be looked after with great care.
You are to comb it out with a special comb
called "Coat King"

7. You should use this instrument very carefully,
not to pul out too much undercoat
Blackies in show coat should
be bathed and fluff dried regularly.
A shampoo routine is as important as
regular brushing because clean hair
grows faster and is healthier than dirty
hair. Use warm water throughout the shampoo;
cold water tends to make the coat limp and
hot water activates overactive sebaceous
For washing you should use very good
shampoo such as Khara, Lady Belle, Hery,
Kosmeo, Crown Royal, Biogroom for hard and
black coat.
Always keep your dryer set
on "Warm", not "Hot".
Keep in mind that during the drying
process you are pulling and stretching
the wet hair. Hair has a great amount
of elasticity, but can be overstretched,
weakened and damadged by hot air.

10.Then you should cut the hair short
(the lower part of the tail, hind hipbone,
the back side of the hindquarters and the
belly) with the clippers.

11. Using the scissors form the hair
like in the picture. Don't forget to hide
the drawbacks of the hindquarters if there
are some.
12. I would like to notice that there
are many different types of grooming but
I am describing the type that I like.

13. The final result